Live Gestalt

Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic system that often focuses on the individual or in a group in the present moment and may aid in various mental health concerns. The therapeutic process typically incorporates a person-centered form of guidance and other therapeutic techniques such as meditation or dream work and body expression. By engaging in self-reflection and other experiential exercises, the person can accept responsibility for their current circumstances and move forward in an empowered way. When we move beyond the past, we may be able to find peace in the present and enrich our interactions in the world around us.

What Is Gestalt Therapy?

Gestalt therapy has two branches theoretical orientation located in east coast USA (L. Perls, G. Yontef) and its experiential orientation located in west coast USA (F. Perls, C. Naranjo). Both are center around the present moment, the «here and now». Patients of this experience may learn to tune into their own self, release the past, and engage with each moment as it comes. Instead of focusing on past experiences or the future.

Gestalt therapy is often a client-centered approach, focusing on self-awareness and eliminating negative thought patterns and negative emotions.

When you work with a Gestalt therapist, the goal may be to reflect on the person’s present life to increase personal awareness and growth.

A Brief History Of Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy was developed by Laura Perls, Paul Goodman, and Fritz Perls as a part of a Fritz fight with Freud system in the 1940s. In the 1950s, this group released a book outlining this wellness approach, «Ego, hunger and aggression».

Gestalt therapy and Gestalt Psychology were the results of research into various systems, including Eastern religions, the physics of the world, and systems theory. As a result, aspects of present Gestalt therapy may be unique. 

Since its inception, the Gestalt approach has become increasingly popular, spreading among multiple demographics across the globe. Now, it’s an effective form of therapy with Gestalt institutes situated in many major cities.

The word «gestalt» is a German word that means «shape/form» or «whole.» In other words, the gestalt approach focuses on the entirety of a person. Gestalt therapy founders believed we must look at humans as a whole, not as segmented parts, and that experience influences perception. 

Claudio Naranjo was a contemporary psychiatrist, he passes away in 2019. His disciples have created the Live Gestalt integrating Perls teachings with psychoanalysis, enneagram character body work and buddhist meditation.

Gestalt therapy proposes how the whole person feels at any given moment so that they can relieve internal issues unresolved tension, and unfinished business. It may teach therapists and patients the phenomenological method of awareness and argues that the paradoxical theory of change applies to society as a whole rather than the individuals within it.

Emotions can only be resolved if they are discussed in the present. The release of emotions, internally and externally, is one way people might heal. Healing is a journey to our heart.

«Take care of the kingdom of the heart and the rest will com in addition» Dr. Claudio Naranjo

Instead of focusing on achievement and meeting expectations, we may learn to understand ourselves and our desires. This understanding can build confidence and alleviate stress, which may lead to improved mental health and a better understanding of our emotional and physical selves. 

Mental Health Conditions That May Benefit From Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy may benefit individuals with a variety of mental health challenges. Connecting with a therapist to discuss Gestalt techniques may help you explore whether this method of therapeutic care would be effective for you. Gestalt therapy is another form of existential therapy (based on existential theory); both focus on self-awareness. The Gestalt therapy approach is not for everyone, but it can be an effective option for working on self-awareness.

The therapeutic relationship between the Gestalt therapist and the client can help patients find their sense of self and deal with various mental health conditions. Below are some mental health challenges, examples, and situations that may benefit from Gestalt therapy.

Anxiety and Depression

Gestalt therapy may be a beneficial approach for conquering anxiety and depression. When historical issues are acknowledged and released, peace and healing may be found in the present. According to a 2019 study, Gestalt therapy can be a «useful treatment» for anxiety disorders and indicated «turning points during therapy.»

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may also see significant benefits from Gestalt therapy. The American Psychological Association states that Gestalt therapy can help us focus on the «here and now» and how we «make contact with the world.» 

PTSD may cause you to focus on the past and cause you to experience flashbacks, potentially leading to panic attacks or other distressing symptoms. In this case, a Gestalt therapist may help you ground yourself in the here and now or work on mindfulness practices to manage traumatic stress and assist in the healing process. 


When you experience low self-esteem, it may lead you to lack confidence, and you may find it difficult to acknowledge your self-worth. In some cases, you may lack the tools of self-awareness to do so. Therapists will observe a client’s body language, verbal expressions, and behavior to help them identify the core issues causing low self-esteem. Gestalt promotes acceptance, which may be a powerful tool for boosting self-esteem and increasing self-awareness.

online therapy

Relationship Troubles

Gestalt therapy may be an efficient way for individuals to navigate relationship challenges. Together or individually, couples may heal their relationship by accepting and releasing the past and staying in the present moment. 

By staying in the present, with the help of a Gestalt therapist, a couple may move forward with their relationship healthily and positively and benefit from personal growth in the process.