
Biosynthesis therapy was created by David Boadella in 1975. Its early roots lie in the character analysis and vegetotherapy of Wilhelm Reich, the psychological synthesis of Pierre Janet and the pre- and peri-natal work of Francis Mott and Frank Lake. Since 1985 the method has been co-developed by Silvia Specht Boadella, particularly in its philosophical and transpersonal aspects. The transpersonal approach has been supported by the researches of Robert Moore into energy circulation and somatic meditations. The neurosciences investigation of Antonio Damasio and the formative psychology of Stanley Keleman.

Biosynthesis represents a holistic and humanistic approach in somatic psychotherapy. The basic starting points for this work therefore include interconnection and mutual mirroring of mental and physical processes. Biosynthesis emphasizes integration of life processes: the physical with the emotional and the mental. Integrating our prenatal biological stages ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Biosynthesis uses a process approach when working with persons; it is based on the internal signals and movement manifestations of the person which it follows and develops with specific techniques. At the heart of this form of therapy always lies the need of the person, respect for their individual differences and unique internal resources. Biosynthesis deeply trusts in the homeostasis person’s healthy potential for growth and harmony, the possibility of interconnecting with their internal and external resources.Biosynthesis emphasizes integration of life processes: the physical with the emotional and the mental. Biosynthesis uses a process approach when working with clients; it is based on the internal signals and movement manifestations of the client, which it follows and develops with specific techniques. At the heart of this form of therapy always lies the need of the client, respect for their individual differences and unique internal resources.

The model of life fields represents a basic view of human development as well as of therapeutic work aimed at helping people to restore good contact with themselves, with internal impulses and with their essence.

In the middle of the diagram, we find the essence that manifests itself in three basic life-streams: movement and actions, feelings and mental processes. The basic life-streams are based on our somatic organization during prenatal existence, when the endoderm as the
deepest cellular layer of the embryo, has become the basis of visceral organs and tissues (the life stream of feelings); the mesoderm has become the basis of muscles, bones and the circulatory system (the life stream of movements and actions); and the ectoderm has become the basis of nervous system, skin, organs of perception.

Our essence can therefore be expressed at the level of mesoderm (red) in our muscular tonus, movement and breath, at the level of endoderm (green), in our emotional experiences and relationships, and at the level of ectoderm (blue) in thinking, language and inner visions. If the environment accepts and welcomes these impulses, we can express ourselves healthily, spontaneously and freely express ourselves. If our impulses do not meet a healthy way of mirroring, but, on the contrary, refusal, restriction, humiliation or aggression, blockages appear in individual life fields as an outer circle that is further from the essence and can become the foundation of our false self, our mask. The goal of therapy is to move from the mask to the core, to the essence. The process of therapy in Biosynthesis interconnects individual areas of life fields and includes:

  • feeling and movement work with muscular tonus and movement,
  • energy work with external and internal breathing rhythm,
  • work on behaviour in relationships
  • psycho-energetic work with retention and release of emotions,
  • psychodynamic work with speech and communication topics,
  • work that transform limiting images into creative ones,
  • connection with the voice of the heart, which can be supported through somatic meditation as a direct path to the essence.

The psychotherapeutic method of Biosynthesis is suitable for a whole range of clients: whether for those who are looking for tools for deeper contact with themselves, the path of personal development, as well as for clients suffering from emotional, psychosomatic and somatic difficulties, going through crisis or post-traumatic states or psycho-spiritual disturbances.