Bionergetic Analysis

Bioenergetics is a way of understanding personality in terms of the body and its energetic processes. It is a way to integrate feelings, thoughts and actions. These process are energy production processes through breathing, metabolism and the discharge of energy through movement, are the basics functions of life. The amount of energy that the person possesses and how he uses it, determine your response to life situations. Obviously, a person can meet more of life’s demands if he has more energy. Energy that can be translated into movement or expression.

Bioenergetic analysis is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Alexander Lowen and and Dr. John Pierrakos (Corenergetics) in the early fifties. Having been impacted by Wilhelm Reich, who had been his therapist and mentor and who, in his time, had been one of Freud’s disciples, Alexander Lowen not only pursued Reich’s work but he also expanded on it. Among other things, he developed the concept of grounding and designed various exercises to help soften muscular tensions in order to allow fuller emotional expression.

His fundamental thesis is that body and mind are functionally identical. In other words, what happens in the mind reflects what is happening in the body and what happens in the body reflects what is happening in the mind. Body and mind influence each other. What someone thinks affects what they feel. And the reverse is equally true. This interaction is limited to the conscious and superficial aspects of the personality. At a deeper level, I mean at an unconscious level, both thinking and feeling are conditioned by energetic factors.

The energetic processes of the body are related to the state of vitality of the body. The more alive we are, the more energy we have and vice versa. Stiffness or chronic tension decreases vitality and affects energy. At birth, an organism is in its most alive and fluid state. When dying, the rigidity is total. We cannot avoid the rigidity that comes with age, what we can do is avoid the rigidity of life, chronic muscular tension, resulting from unresolved emotional conflicts. All stress produces a state of tension in the body. Normally, the tension disappears when the stress passes. But there are chronic tensions, which persist after the stress that caused them has dissolved. An unconscious bodily attitude remains, an unconscious muscular pattern. This affects emotional health by lowering the individual’s energy, by restricting their motility (motility is the spontaneous movements of the muscles), and by limiting self-expression. Then the removal of this chronic tension is necessary so that the person reappropriates all his vitality and his emotional well-being. This is Bioenergetic Analysis.

Bioenergetic Analysis is a form of therapy that combines work with the body and mind to help people resolve their emotional problems and understand more about their potential for pleasure and joy in life.